April Fool’s Day is known for good-spirited jokes and pranks between friends, family members and even colleagues. However, sometimes good-spirited can turn into cold-hearted, and a prank’s friendly nature can easily backfire.
So here are some harmless April Fool’s Day pranks that won’t break the bank or leave you without friends.
The “Dripping Cup” prank should be familiar to seasoned pranksters, but there are some who may not know about its simplistic brilliance.
Take a pin and poke a few holes in a plastic cup. The victim of the prank will have a hard time figuring out why the drink is dribbling all over them.
Some pranks are better fit for a college setting. One example would be setting your roommate’s alarm for the middle of the night and hiding somewhere they won’t think to look.
If your roommate won’t retaliate — and has a good sense of humor — go the extra mile and unscrew the light bulb in their lamp so they have to find the alarm clock in the dark.
Another prank you can pull is for one of your professors, and it’s pretty harmless. You can carve out the core of an apple and stuff it full of gummy worms and then give the apple to your professor. It’ll be a real surprise when your teacher gets gummy worms in their apple.
If you really want to go the extra mile, you can wrap your roommate’s things in wrapping paper or tin foil. Just don’t go as far as wrapping their bathroom. You won’t have a very nice roommate, especially if they’re late.
If you’re giving the person something that’s safe, you should have an OK April Fool’s Day, and hopefully, you won’t be on the receiving end next year.