Delinah Rosario
Dear FGCU,
As I stare up at the swaying palm trees that surround the SoVi pool, I realize how lucky I am to be an Eagle. As an out-of-state student, 1,500 miles from home, not once have I felt you were the wrong choice. Whether I am running up and down the field during intramural flag football, watching the turtles sunbathe outside of Cohen, or catching up with my amazing RA, I have never felt more at home.
Although you are a D1 school, you’ve never made me feel as if I was just another student in the mix. The professors you chose have helped me through life’s daily struggles, challenged me and even cut me some slack when needed. The other day in class I had a professor tell me “You guys are the most important people in the room,” and that stuck with me. I’ve practically won the lottery when it comes to mentors. No matter how stressed I am or how much homework has piled up, there’s nothing a coffee from Starbucks and a study room in the library can’t fix. Between the hundreds of study spots on campus and caring tutors, you have given me more than enough resources to succeed in my studies. You have created such a comfortable learning environment, that for once in my life, I enjoy going to class.
When my family asks how life is going, you are my favorite thing to talk about. I relate you to a 10-month-long vacation. I love telling them about my weekly spin class at the Rec, the ice cream machine at SOVI Dining, the sweet bus drivers and even the people I’ve met while I’ve been here. Unlike other kids, I haven’t had the awkward life talk with a distant relative during the holidays. You have given me a surplus of things to do, which in the end makes me passionate about my experiences while attending school here.
When it comes to my friends, I truly can’t put into words how thankful I am that you brought us together. Without realizing it, you have brought me to my people and helped me build trustworthy relationships that will last the rest of my life. While we’re eating our sixth boardwalk pizza of the week, walking along the beach, or laying out at the SOVI pool like I’m doing right now, I think about how lucky I am. I am living the vacation lifestyle with people I would not trade for the world.
As my mind wanders back to the swaying palm trees that surround the SOVI pool, I feel more and more thankful for you. You have helped me grow as a person and even helped me learn who I am. I am thankful for the adventures you have inspired, the doors you have opened, and I can’t wait to spend the next three years with you.