Promoting Protection in FGCU Housing
July 11, 2022
Prevention and Wellness Services is improving a newly instated initiative to supply condoms to student residence halls, so students have easy access to resources that contribute to safe sexual health.
The Condom Concierge was created last school year, and it was a fast-fleeting resource.
“The project did start as having baskets of assorted condoms in the on-campus residence halls, but the condoms went so quickly that this approach was not sustainable,” said Peer Educator Coordinator Brittany Hensley.
Since this wasn’t feasible, peer educators spent the rest of the spring semester rotating between residence halls biweekly to offer education and free condoms to residents.
“By having resources easily accessible and nearby, we can help students take a second and use contraception so that the more serious consequences can be avoided,” said Abby Sokhanvari, a peer educator and senior psychology student.
Peer educators work events and programs on campus to teach students about health, whether it’s nutrition, sexual health, or drug and alcohol-related.
“We try and let people know we aren’t here to stop them. We want to inform them, from an unbiased standpoint, how to do things safely and the possible repercussions for actions they do partake in,” said Sokhanvari.
FGCU’s Prevention and Wellness Services office is located in the Cohen Student Union, room 161, where health resources are available for students. There is also a survey online where students can request condoms free of cost.
“We have not yet finalized the schedule for this project for the upcoming year, but plan to continue to table in the residence halls in the evening hours,” said Hensley.