ENTV Does: PGM Swing Lab
November 2, 2022
On this newest episode of ENTV Does join us as we tour the Swing Lab designated for the Professional Golf Management students located in Sugden Hall. We got to know some of the students and check out their newest edition of their Wellputt mat as well as see some of the university brandings with the huge logos. If you are a PGM major or are interested, make sure you connect with them. https://www.fgcu.edu/cob/pga/
Also, they will be at Eagle Expo on Saturday, November 5th. Their information session will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Sugden Hall 208. They will also be giving a Swing Lab tour from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Sugden Hall. If there are any questions email Ken Petter at [email protected].