I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t almost 100 percent dependent on technology. I’m an avid tweeter, obsessed with Spotify and I’m almost always on my phone.
Whether I’m texting a friend, using my bank app to check what little amount of money I have in my bank account or sending embarrassingly hideous snapchats to my entire contact list, I’m always relying on technology.
Though I’m extremely thankful to live in an era where so much is available at the simple push of a button, I can’t help but wonder what things would be like in the world if we weren’t so reliant on technology.
Nowadays, people hide behind their cellphones and computers.
Texting and various forms of messaging on social networks have become an acceptable way to interact with people.
It is no longer necessary to physically go up to someone and speak. Instead, we communicate like robots, using abbreviations and words like some sort of code.
People say things they would be too terrified to say in person.
Now, not sending a text back can be just as powerful as actually sending one. It’s even easier to avoid your problems today because you’re not being physically confronted in the first place.
The amount of information that is available at the fingertips of anyone who you accept a friend request from is also a problem. Every person you allow to be your friend has access to photos and statuses and can even see your other “friends.”
People pass judgment when they see what you post, and people can re-create themselves with edited photos and statuses in order to make themselves appear a certain way.
I know I’m guilty of assuming things about a person after viewing what they post on the Internet, so I can only wonder how the people I let view my social media judge me.
Shows such as MTV’s “Catfish” shed a little bit of light on the situation and let viewers see that there are dangers that come with only communicating via technology. I just hope that our generation learns a lesson from these people who make fools of themselves on national television.
The worst of all is that there is no mystery to anyone anymore.
Most people my age, girls especially, post everything they do on the Internet no matter how uninteresting it is, leaving no sense of privacy for themselves.
Why do people have to post tweets, statuses and photos of every little thing they do?
I love technology, and to be honest, my social-media accounts are my guilty pleasure. I feel that sometimes it’s necessary to put down our cellphones, close our laptops, turn of the television, and just be aware of our surroundings and actually live our lives.
So maybe next time you want to make plans with some friends, physically approach them instead of starting a group message, and leave the phones at home.
You never know what you could be missing while you’re looking down and refreshing your newsfeed.
What were you missing while refreshing your newsfeeds?
September 17, 2014
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