Yesterday I walked into a voting booth and looked at my choices. To put it bluntly, I only had one choice: Synergy.
The only President/VP available to vote for was a Synergy backed candidate, and the majority of the senators were Synergy based too. What I wonder is if this year’s student government will become what we all fear: a Greek based Oligarchy with the ability to manipulate student government funds to benefit their Greek agenda.
Given the recent tragic controversies (and ongoing, historic controversies), do we really want to hand our government over to these individuals? Will they promote an agenda of philanthropy and treat their student body as a family, or will they be abiding by their history of rape-culture, hazing and binge drinking? What will this do for FGCU’s dedication to Title IX compliance? Allowing one party to control the entire student government is probably the most short-sighted and dangerous thing we could do for our educational institution. Regardless of those perhaps extreme fears, what is their actual platform?
After spending copious amounts of time on the student government website and the Synergy Facebook page, I can’t find their platform. It touts “transparency” and “LGBT advocacy,” but it does not have a legitimate policy plan in place to carry such things out. Not to mention that the tools they use to become elected include extreme pressure and influence over their respective fraternities and sororities, forcing them to vote for Synergy. So, we have “secret” organizations with secret meetings, rituals and agendas now undoubtedly running our entire Student Government. I don’t know about you, but the thought of that makes me uneasy.
So I ask you, where is the party of discord and where can I sign up?
Synergy has unjust monopoly in Student Government elections
February 26, 2015
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