Everybody knows one of the most overwhelming parts of college is handling finances. Even the little things cost what seems to be an absurd amount of money. With all of these different payments, it can seem almost impossible to keep track of it all.
Have no fear, Eagles. This year, keeping track of every financial transaction can be a lot easier. The financial aid office in Florida Gulf Coast University has launched a new mobile app called Iontuition, which is already helping the lives of college students everywhere.
Iontuition helps students and their families keep track of all loans — student, Federal, and private — in one place. Additionally, the app also provides tools to help manage repayment, and sends notifications when there are any changes in the account.
According to the official website of Iontuition, the app has a simple layout that shows the status of loans, current balance, average interest rate, current monthly payments, daily interest accrual, and financial breakdown as well. This app is available free for all mobile devices.
Students can subscribe to text updates and can reach an on-call help service with any questions as well. Sophomore political science major Joel Lazo has tried the app and believes it is very helpful.
“The app is great,” Lazo said. “I like how I can add my personal money to the loans for an overall budget and if you add the interest rate, it shows how much in total it will cost you.”
Keeping track of financial aid and loans in college is extremely difficult, but it can now be easier with the Iontuition mobile app.