On Monday, Dec. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Student Alumni Association hosted a Cap Decorating Party for students graduating from FGCU this December.
Glitter glue, pipe cleaners and confetti were spread in wide arcs across Cohen Center Ballroom tables for students to use as they personalized their graduation caps.
Students chose decorations they felt best represented their time at FGCU.
Jessica Goodstein, an environmental major, wrote the words “Graduating Naturally” across her cap. After dedicating so much of her time and studies to the natural world, she said she believes these words reflect the passion she feels for her discipline.

Brenee Miller, a forensic studies major, searched for the right materials to express the quote “Be the change you want to see,” articulated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1947 but still resonating with her today.
Miller envisioned surrounding this quote with small butterflies, representing the Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Society she has been part of during her years at FGCU.
While decorating their caps, FGCU students discussed their plans after graduation.
Kelsey Abell, an English major, looks forward to going to law school.
Jennifer Gladstone, a communication major with a concentration in public relations, said she is looking forward to moving back to Fort Lauderdale where she can be closer to her family as she begins to build her life after FGCU.
Throughout the event, students went back and forth between tables, trying to capture what they believed to be the essence of their college experience.
Some went the extravagant route, cutting silver paper to place over their cap’s black cloth and crafting flowers from red and blue pipe cleaners.

Others were more minimalistic, writing their major in black marker on a white sheet of paper.
Some fell in between, using a combination of both to express their interests and convictions.
Students of all fields bonded as they came together as a community for one last time.
Alumni circulated around the room, hoping to forge a connection and foster FGCU’s growing alumni network. Alumni coordinators gave advice to graduating students, reminding them to “always remember FGCU and the values you have learned.”
Members of the Student Alumni Association expressed their hope that this event not only would unify the graduating class but would also unify current and former FGCU students. The Student Alumni Association believes this connection will build a strong bridge between life before and after FGCU.
The wide range of cap decorations, from detailed three-dimensional creations of butterflies to subtle phrases written in Sharpie, reflects the diversity of the FGCU community.
The creativity and originality shining through at the Cap Decorating Event adroitly conveys all the FGCU community contains and all it will continue to inspire.