FGCU Students Share Their Favorite Campus Study Spots
April 14, 2022
Studying is a major part of the college experience. As students, we not only spend hours each week attending class and completing our assignments but also studying for important exams in ways we deem useful.
To effectively study, students must choose a location that suits them best. What makes a good study spot differs from person to person, and is dependent on several factors since there are numerous ways to study.
One may need to read their textbook, make flashcards, or even practice a presentation, and it’s often best to keep certain studying methods to certain locations. For example, if you’re reciting definitions on the silent floor of the library, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
“Honestly, it depends on the class,” FGCU freshman Giovanni Moncibaez said. “If I get out of my computer class, a really nice place to go would be a computer lab. It’s all free, you sign in, and do whatever you need to do.”
Moncibaez also shared how he favors the campus hammocks behind Reed Hall for re-reading textbooks. The location is quiet and under the shade which gives him more motivation to study.
Some locations on campus provide resources for students to fit their studying needs, much like the computer lab. If a specific place offers useful tools for learning and studying, those areas can be more highly populated with students.
The FGCU library has thousands of books available to check out and contains both the Center of Academic Achievement and the Writing Lab. While it’s a popular spot for the right reasons, the library has its downsides when it comes to population and volume.
“Starting off at FGCU, I wasn’t very comfortable with the library yet, I didn’t really know my way around, and it was loud during the day,” FGCU freshman Julie Mancini said. “I felt more comfortable being in one of the halls because they’re usually quiet when people aren’t going to class.”
Mancini described her experiences with studying in the halls as peaceful and free of distraction since few people study there. She prefers Lutgert Hall’s second floor because it has study panels that overlook the campus and Reed Hall since several of her classes are near it.
Finding a quiet, less populated place to study on campus can be challenging, but worth it. Many find it difficult to concentrate in a loud spot with a lot of people and being able to focus while studying is necessary for retaining information and getting the most out of study time.
While some may prefer a completely quiet environment, there are positives to having a more socially open study spot. It can be a space for collaboration between students and encourage students to work together while studying. Such locations can also be more inviting for students.
“I love to study at the swinging canopies in South Village,” FGCU freshman Jadyn Klepper said. “Since they’re outside, it’s easy for me to talk to people I might see while I’m studying, and that’s always fun.”
Klepper added that the swinging canopies also provide shade and protection from the sun on hot days and are best for reading.
By choosing study spots that allow for socializing, students can make their peers a part of their studying experience and break away from the often repetitive nature of traditional studying methods.
All students have preferences when it comes to where they like to study. Exploring different spots across campus allows students to discover which locations are most effective for them, which is what matters most.
“It’s super important to know where you like studying,” Moncibaez said. “That way, you can get the most out of your study time and do better in your classes, which ultimately leads to success.”