Betty Allen Gynecologic Cancer Foundation Urges Students to Learn About Early Symptoms

Photo courtesy of Tara Winstead, Pexels

Addyson McCullough, Staff Writer

A group of FGCU students enrolled in the civic engagement course are working alongside the Betty Allen Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (BAGCF) to bring awareness to students and staff regarding life threatening gynecologic cancers.

The partnership began at the beginning of the spring 2023 semester. The group is making it their mission to bring awareness and provide information surrounding gynecologic cancers.

These cancers have a variety of symptoms that can be easily disregarded if people are unaware of the severity of these indicators.

These students are taking the responsibility to teach others about these cancers in hopes they can one day help themselves, a friend, or a family member catch symptoms early. With most cancers, identifying symptoms early and seeking treatment can reduce the risk of mortality.

Pamphlets with vital information can be found in the Prevention and Wellness Center in Cohen Student Union and in the Student Health Services modular. 

The director of BAGCF is offering a virtual workshop for FGCU students. QR codes to register and access more information can be found on the image below and are posted in the Prevention and Wellness Center, Student Health Services modular, Seidler Hall, and the library.

More information can be found on the BAGCF website.