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Eagle Media

ITS Addresses Campus Wide Wi-Fi Issues

ITS Addresses Campus Wide Wi-Fi Issues

Ethan Kranert, Staff Writer September 16, 2024

Since the start of the semester, internet connection issues have been common around FGCU’s campus. Both of the school’s networks, fgcu-campus and the eduroam system, have been sluggish when browsing...

New rule on campus bans e-cigarettes in buildings

August 20, 2015

Proposed changes to an FGCU smoking regulation might bring the university one step closer to becoming smoke- and tobacco-free. Regulation PR9.007, “Smoking and Consumption of Food in University Buildings,”...

Looking for a shuttle? There’s an app for that

July 15, 2014

After years of promises and pushbacks, Florida Gulf Coast University is finally releasing an addition to its current app, which will allow students to track where the school’s shuttles are. Originally...

South Village's Eagle Hall opened in the Fall of 2014. (EN Photo / Kelli Krebs)

Learn where you live

July 15, 2014

Wouldn’t it be nice to roll out of bed in your pajamas and only have to walk up a flight of stairs to see your academic adviser? Or for a tutoring session? An incoming freshman might not...

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