By Nina Mendes
News & Features Editor
Stickers promoting the Folkish Resistance Movement, a Nazi group, were found on campus over the weekend, according to an email sent by President Martin this morning.
Martin attached two photos of the stickers to his email, including one that read Hitler is Right and the other that read Smash White Guilt.
“To be clear, this is anathema to the values, standards and conduct of our university community,” Martin said.
There is currently no information about who posted these stickers across campus.
Martin plans to take action once more details are uncovered.
“If the responsible party(ies) are discovered to be associated with FGCU, that association will end immediately,” Martin said. “If we discover this is the work of outsiders, we will send the unambiguous warning they are not welcome on this campus.”
Stickers promoting white power posted across campus
November 1, 2020
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